Climate change
What is climate change and how is it different from global warming?
The definition of climate is the temperature and weather conditions over an extended period of time which would mean climate change is a shift in these weather patterns. Climate change comes with a number of effects including a rise in natural disasters, a change in weather patterns, global warming, and global cooling. On our Earth today, we’re seeing global warming as an effect of climate change meaning overall temperatures are recorded higher than they previously were.
Why should we care about climate change, now, when it's been happening naturally since the Earth began?
Climate change is a natural phenomenon that has been in occurrence since the beginning of the world. We’ve documented cooling and warming periods that the earth has always been able to recover from and adapt to, but now we’re seeing the earth change extremely fast. Part of the reason for our drastically changing climate is humans and our alteration of the carbon cycle. When carbon is stored, it is cold, but when it is released through burning, it creates heat. We rely on burning carbon to power our homes, cars, buildings, etc. This process not only creates a lot of heat but releases a lot of CO2 into the air. Because of this, we have been rapidly changing our environmental state so that animal and plant life can't adapt quickly enough. This is what's causing the endangerment and extinction of various different species. Since the industrial revolution, our world is changing too quickly and we will not be able to continue to sustain life.
How does your project demonstrate your understanding of climate change?
Our first goal of the project was to artistically and metaphorically represent some effects of climate changes such as global warming, a rise in natural disasters, and ocean expansion. Additionally, we used trash to represent extreme pollution in our oceans. To explain these symbols, we created an information piece on the back of the art piece. This explained why and how our oceans are rising and how the carbon cycle is impacting global warming.
What was your largest area of growth during this project?
The area I could grow in the most is in my curiosity. Although I am interested in climate change and strongly believe in the crisis, I never felt motivated to learn more or deepen my understanding of anything. When we were doing additional research to make the back of the art piece, I brushed this task off on my group members. I wasn’t all that helpful with this part, but I self-excused it by doing all of the painting on the front. For something that I care about, I definitely need to work to and continue learning.
What was your greatest strength during this project?
By far, my greatest strengths in this project were in my collaboration and adaptability skills. At the beginning of this project, I chose my group off of wanting to be with my friends rather than what I wanted to do for my project. We ended up doing something that I wasn’t feeling very inspired by. In the earlier stages of our project, I wasn't doing very much work and overall had a negative mindset for the project. As we were getting further in, I realized that it’s too late to change our project and I was going to just have to do this project to the best of my abilities. After this, I started to put more effort into making our project look the best it could. This also helped me to work with my group better and we could all come together to create something that demonstrated our passion to help the climate crisis.

teenagers: the good, the bad, the ugly
In this project, we learned the psychological and biological aspects of adolescent development. In Biology, we learned about the brain’s functions and the exponential changes it faces in your adolescent years and how it affects your behaviors. we then got to choose a topic relating to the biological changes of adolescence.
My biggest challenge in this project was doing research for my infographic. I had to set my own standards for the information I needed to portray and then find an adequate amount of it. I also had to make sure the information on my infographic was concise enough to remain interesting and aesthetically appealing. This was a struggle for me to find the balance. I had to know all the background information and then portray it in a relevant way.
The thing I’m most proud of in this project is my final infographic. I think that it is very organized and it has good visual portrayals of the information I was trying to display. It is also pretty visually appealing and is not text-heavy.
In this project, I would have liked to learn more about the changes the brain goes through in puberty/adolescence. Although we learned about our specific infographic topics, I feel like I didn’t necessarily get enough information on the actual development which was what the project was about.