My Life on earth
Project Description:
In our Life on Earth project, we dove headfirst into the weighted question, “What is the meaning of life?” To develop our own answers to this question, we studied different philosophies guided by our essential questions*. One of the major things we did through this project was keeping a journal where we were asked to respond to questions in regards to videos and texts. Through this, we studied great philosophers from Ancient Greece to more modern philosophers.
In learning about these things, we unpacked ideas of transcendentalism which really stuck with me. The philosophies of Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau expressed the importance of nature and the rejection of materialism. This aligned with many of the concepts in the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer which we read throughout the course of the project. The book pushed us to think deeply about existentialism and how we should live our lives.
We also got the opportunity to interview residents at Westminster Village which is a retirement home in Indiana. We spoke to the residents about their lives and how they have found meaning. In this interview, I spoke to two gentlemen whom both expressed the idea of finding meaning in the things they do for others. They spent their lives as educators so it makes sense that they would value the importance of service.
For our final project, we were required to create a visual piece that expresses our personal philosophy as well as a written piece. I chose to utilize my Personal Narrative essay from Honors Humanities in which I dug into my personal experiences. Alongside this, I did a self-portrait that includes drawing and words aligned with my life.
Essential Questions:
What is the purpose of (your/human) existence?
What does it mean to live a meaningful life? AND What gives your life meaning?
How do you characterize your relationship with Earth and your place on it?
How does your “intertextual” experience impact your personal philosophy?
How can literature and film give deeper meaning to human life?
New Insights:
Through this project, I have learned things and had experiences that have drastically altered my perspective on life. I have learned to value my life and try to find meaning in everything. This project has shown me how important it is to live your life fully and reach eudaimonia at the end of your life. This is a deep feeling of satisfaction with the events of your life. To reach this point, I have started to practice gratitude and notice my appreciation for little things. This has helped me to find more joy in my everyday life.
Further Questions:
I don't think I have any major lingering questions as of now, but I would like to go deeper into understanding the benefits of gratitude and transcendentalism.
My Personal Narrative
Self Portrait